A new look at healthcare

A consultative approach to a healthy lifestyle


Dr. Lauren Sporrer - Focusing on You

Chiropractic and Myofascial Treatment

What differentiates Dr. Sporrer from other chiropractors is her specialty in Myofascia Release through soft tissue therapy in addition to all the wonderful benefits of traditional chiropractic care. Every injury has some form of a soft tissue component that must be treated to fully resolve the injury and myofascial treatment is the best way to do that. Myofascial treatment is then combined with joint and tissue mobilization, specific rehabilitation exercises, and muscle strengthening for a well-rounded approach to correcting the cause of the issue and providing each patient with unique care, specific to meet their goals and needs.

Personalized Therapy for Improved Injury Recovery

Every injury has some form of soft tissue component which must be addressed manually, via work done by someone’s hands, to fully resolve the injury. Myofascial release is the best therapy to address injuries, especially when in conjunction with all the benefits of traditional chiropractic care and rehabilitation. Dr. Sporrer combines many of these healing therapies with treatment so that your health and wellness is viewed from various perspectives and unique to your needs.

Start a new relationship with yourself now.